
Respite Support


We offer respite care for unpaid carers of all ages throughout Scotland.

Our support is developed in line with the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 and the Carers’ Charter, focused on improving the health and well-being of carers so that they can continue to care and have a life alongside.

Our respite care in Scotland offers short periods of rest or relief to people who need it, most often unpaid carers who support their families. It can also be a useful break for anyone receiving care. This kind of support is known as respite, and it’s in everything we do.

Some respite care is given in emergency situations, while on other occasions it is planned in advance.

Respite care comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and is as individual as the person receiving support. It can include:

  • supporting an unpaid carer to nip to the shops or attend an appointment.
  • arranging longer-term and more regular support to allow time for a holiday.
  • supporting an unpaid carer so they have time to study for college/university.

The benefits of respite:

  • reduce stress for the carer and family.
  • improves the relationship between carer and person supported.
  • gives the person receiving support valuable interaction with other people.
  • increases well-being by relieving feelings of frustration and exhaustion.

Did you know?

  • 15% of Scotland’s adult population are unpaid carers (approx. 839,000 people).
  • 4% of Scotland’s child population care for a loved one (approx. 30,000 children aged between 4 and 15).

respite stats

Stats from The Scottish Health Study 2020 and Carers UK – Caring behind closed doors

Support varies depending on each person’s situation, but is always focused on agreed personal outcomes.  Our approach means that we always put the person and their needs first.

“The opportunity to apply and receive respite care literally saved the relationship between me and my father. Over the last year, I had to leave my job to take full-time care of him. During the second lockdown, this became increasingly hard. I was just totally mentally drained and I felt like I was starting to take this out on him. The respite allowed me the chance to head north for two weeks and to switch off.”
– John, unpaid carer in the Scottish Borders.

Everyone in a care situation benefits from respite care. We understand that everyone needs support at some point in their lives. By looking after ourselves, not only are we prioritising our health, but we’re also better prepared to support the people we love and care for.

For further information or to discuss support options, contact us online or on 0300 666 3030

Stories from people Carr Gomm supports

Carr Gomm supports people with a range of needs and offers individualised help that is right for them. Click to read about some of the incredible people Carr Gomm supports.

Carr Gomm Service Locations


Carr Gomm has services throughout Scotland that support over 3,000 people every day. Visit our service map and see if we offer support in your area.